This mod, which I originally created for 2K23 and have now converted to 2K25, replaces certain default on-court sound effects with (in my opinion) superior sound effects from NBA Live 18. The following file categories have been replaced:
...additionally, I removed all of the default rim-dunk sounds (since -- it seems to me -- they are not needed with the effects from Live 18) and some shoe-squeak-spin and shoe-squeak-stop sounds that I don't like (though all of the remaining ones are default 2K).
Drag sfx_inside_001.iff into your "mods" folder.
这个模组最初是我为 2K23 创建的,现在已转换为 2K25,它用(在我看来)来自 NBA Live 18 的优质音效替换了某些默认的场上音效。以下文件类别已被替换: