• ESPN Scoreboard | ESPN 记分牌
  • 当前版本最后更新

    2024-9-20 21:32

  • 最后更新时间

    2024-9-20 21:32

  • 资源创建时间

    2024-9-17 00:27

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VERSION 2B UPDATES (2024-9-19)

- The score-change animation has been removed, by user request.

VERSION 2 UPDATES (2024-9-18)

- The black bar at the bottom of the screen has been fixed in a better way (in my opinion) than the quick fix I provided for Version 1.
- The substitution overlay has been re-positioned to fit the placement of the scoreboard. (I hadn't realized earlier that the new-gen substitution menu was designed to fit with the scoreboard.)
- An awkward visual anomaly (in which the scoreboard overlaps with the timeout banner) has been addressed.

To install, drag all of the ZIP's files (except readme.txt) and the "gooey_scenes" folder into your "mods" folder. NOTE: If you downloaded the quick fix for Version 1 (overlay_packages.iff), you can delete that now.


版本 2B 更新 (2024-9-19)

- 应用户请求,分数变化动画已被删除。

版本 2 更新 (2024-9-18)

- 屏幕底部的黑条已经以比我为版本 1 提供的快速修复更好的方式修复了(在我看来)。
- 替补覆盖层已重新定位以适应记分板的位置。 (我之前没有意识到新一代替换菜单是为了适应记分板而设计的。)
- 一个尴尬的视觉异常(记分板与暂停横幅重叠)已得到解决。

要安装,请将所有 ZIP 文件(readme.txt 除外)和“gooey_scenes”文件夹拖到“mods”文件夹中。注意:如果您下载了版本 1 的快速修复程序 (overlay_packages.iff),您现在可以将其删除。


See download section for a file I forgot to include in the main download. This file removes the black bar from the bottom of the screen. Save overlay_packages.iff into your mods folder. | 请参阅下载部分,了解我忘记包含在主下载中的文件。该文件删除屏幕底部的黑条。将overlay_packages.iff 保存到您的mods 文件夹中。

This mod changes the default, Modern Era NBA 2K25 scoreboard into one based on the present-day NBA on ESPN scoreboard. Credit to DEN2K for the texture (i.e., the paneling and ESPN logo); this is the texture from DEN2K's old-gen ESPN scoreboard.

NOTE: Because it is early in the modding process for new-gen (i.e., less than two weeks since 2K25's release), this is a very basic scoreboard that is missing some key features, most notably:

- team coloring of any kind
- timeout carets

Team coloring involves both colored text and colored paneling behind the text, but unfortunately, the default 2K25 scoreboard does not use team-colored paneling (except for the 3-point animation, which is temporary, though I think if one wants team-colored paneling, one would have to un-animate that paneling and repurpose it). Team-colored text is not possible yet because new-gen uses a different system for triggering text, and the resources for getting around that are not available yet.

Regarding timeout carets, they are part of the default scoreboard, but I was unable to move them into position. I will be able to do so once we can import scoreboards into Blender, but at the moment the tools for that have not been released.



Drag newscorebug.iff and the "gooey_scenes" folder into your "mods" folder.


Translation below by DEST2K (thank you!!!):

这个MOD将NBA 2K25默认的现役纪元记分牌更改为基于现今NBA在ESPN上的记分牌样式。纹理(如面板和ESPN标志)的设计归功于DEN2K;这些纹理源自DEN2K的旧世代ESPN记分牌。









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