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    2024-9-15 19:41

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    2024-9-15 19:41

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    2024-9-15 19:40

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This is an early WIP C++ library designed to read, decode, and unpack .scne files from NBA2K25. This project is primarily used as a wrapper for interpreting the file structure of NBA2K scenes and models, making it accessible for Blender via Python.
这是一个早期的 WIP C++ 库,旨在读取、解码和解压 NBA2K25 中的.scne文件。该项目主要用作解释 NBA2K 场景和模型的文件结构的包装器,以便 Blender 通过 Python 访问它。

Prerequisites 先决条件
Visual Studio (recommended version supporting C++14)
Visual Studio(推荐支持C++14的版本)
C++17 compatible compiler
C++17 兼容编译器
Blender (for usage with Blender/Python integration)
Blender(用于 Blender/Python 集成)
Building the Project 建设项目
Clone the repository. 克隆存储库。
Open the provided Visual Studio solution.
打开提供的 Visual Studio 解决方案。
Ensure that your environment is set to build with C++14.
Configure the target platform (e.g., DLL_Library x64).
配置目标平台(例如DLL_Library x64)。
Build the project to generate the required module or .dll.
构建项目以生成所需的模块或.dll 。
Integration with Blender 与搅拌机集成
After building the project, you can use CTypes to create Python bindings that allow Blender to read NBA2K scene files through this library.
构建项目后,您可以使用 CTypes 创建 Python 绑定,允许 Blender 通过此库读取 NBA2K 场景文件。


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