• 2K24 Gameplay (游戏玩法) for 2K23 (转换)
  • 当前版本最后更新

    2024-2-28 22:07

  • 最后更新时间

    2024-2-28 22:07

  • 资源创建时间

    2024-2-28 22:06

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This mod transforms the gameplay in NBA 2K23 by importing various aspects of the CPU logic from 2K24 (PC, of course). I hesitate to even describe it as a mod since it is really just default files from one game being used in another.

Note that these files also fix a play-calling problem in default 2K23, where -- even if you have ACE and automatic play-calling enabled -- the game still requires you to manually set your focus (i.e., focus is manual, and play-calling is automatic only within that user-defined focus). In my limited experience with 2K24, this seems to have been fixed such that everything now is truly automatic, and that fix transfers to 2K23 via these files.



Drag motion.iff into a Mods folder.

There are three different versions, in case one works better for you for any reason:

(1) 2K24 Version - This is literally just motion.iff exported from 2K24.
(2) 2K23 Version with 2K24 Updates - Same as 2K24 version except it also has four tables (probably useless to most users) that were present in 2K23 but were removed for 2K24. See below for notes.
(3) Alternate Mixed 2K23 and 2K24 Version - Same as (2) except instead of using the 2K24 'personnel' table it just keeps the 2K23 one. I wanted to give this as an alternative since it's not so obvious from the name what this table might control (I have not done any in-game testing yet of any specific tables). If users encounter issues playing with the full 2K24 setup, maybe try this alternate version in case it's the 'personnel' table causing the issue. Again, see below for more explanation.



It seems that the files inside motion.iff -- all of which are called "table" plus the extension .MOTION_RESOURCE_DATA -- are essentially configurations for particular parts of 2K's gameplay. (Note that when you see motion.iff listed within the Hook's load log, it is sourced from SYNC.BIN, rather than one of the game archives, even though motion.iff exists within 0C. (Maybe 2K's regular hotfixes / gameplay tweaks come in via SYNC.BIN and are applied as dynamic edits to the game's core motion.iff file?)

Anyway, comparing the tables from 2K23 and 2K24, only five are different: adjustment, defense, gameplan, help, and personnel. Four tables from 2K23 have been removed: footballmotion, footballoneshot, parkmotion, and parkoneshot. The removed ones probably don't matter to anyone, but just in case, they are present in two of the three versions of motion.iff that I have included in the mod download. I have not fully compared 2K22's tables to 2K23's, but it seems like the difference between them is much more significant than for 2K23 -> 2K24. If you turn on 2K23 and try to use motion.iff from 2K22, the game crashes, but possibly individual tables from older 2Ks might be usable.

Hopefully the community will experiment further, perhaps creating customized motion.iff gameplay mods that blend tables from different 2Ks (some from 2K24, maybe some from 2K20, etc.) to create a unique and superior gameplay experience.


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VETMIN 的 NBA 2K24 游戏玩法适用于 NBA 2K23

该模组通过从 2K24(当然是 PC)导入 CPU 逻辑的各个方面来改变 NBA 2K23 中的游戏玩法。我什至犹豫是否将其描述为 mod,因为它实际上只是一个游戏中的默认文件在另一个游戏中使用。

请注意,这些文件还修复了默认 2K23 中的游戏调用问题,即使您启用了 ACE 和自动游戏调用,游戏仍然需要您手动设置焦点(即,焦点是手动的,然后玩-仅在用户定义的焦点内自动调用)。根据我对 2K24 的有限经验,这个问题似乎已经得到修复,现在一切都是真正自动的,并且该修复通过这些文件传输到 2K23。





(1) 2K24 版本 - 这实际上只是从 2K24 导出的motion.iff。
(2) 带有 2K24 更新的 2K23 版本 - 与 2K24 版本相同,除了它还有 2K23 中存在的四个表(可能对大多数用户来说可能无用),但在 2K24 中被删除。请参阅下面的注释。
(3) 替代混合 2K23 和 2K24 版本 - 与 (2) 相同,只是不使用 2K24“人员”表,而是仅保留 2K23 表。我想将此作为替代方案,因为从名称来看该表可能控制的内容并不那么明显(我还没有对任何特定表进行任何游戏内测试)。如果用户在玩完整的 2K24 设置时遇到问题,也许可以尝试这个替代版本,以防是“人员”表导致问题。再次,请参阅下面的更多解释。



看起来,motion.iff 中的文件——所有这些文件都被称为“table”加上扩展名 .MOTION_RESOURCE_DATA——本质上是 2K 游戏玩法特定部分的配置。 (请注意,当您看到 Hook 的加载日志中列出的 Motion.iff 时,它来自 SYNC.BIN,而不是游戏存档之一,即使 Motion.iff 存在于 0C 中。(也许 2K 的常规修补程序/游戏调整会出现)通过SYNC.BIN 并作为动态编辑应用于游戏的核心motion.iff 文件?)

无论如何,比较2K23和2K24的表格,只有五个不同:调整、防御、比赛计划、帮助和人员。 2K23 中的四个表格已被删除:footballmotion、footballoneshot、parkmotion 和 parkoneshot。删除的内容可能对任何人都无关紧要,但为了以防万一,它们存在于我在 mod 下载中包含的三个 Motion.iff 版本中的两个版本中。我还没有完全比较 2K22 和 2K23 的表格,但它们之间的差异似乎比 2K23 -> 2K24 的差异要大得多。如果您打开 2K23 并尝试使用 2K22 中的 Motion.iff,游戏会崩溃,但旧版 2K 中的单个表可能可用。

希望社区能够进一步进行实验,也许可以创建定制的 Motion.iff 游戏模式,混合来自不同 2K 的表格(一些来自 2K24,也许一些来自 2K20 等),以创造独特且卓越的游戏体验。


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