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[SimonLee] 2K16 19-20赛季新名单和一些补丁  

  SimonnLee原创作者认证 2019-12-6 23:08:52 29511 次点击 回帖奖励 正序浏览 阅读模式     
这是一个创建于 1936 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
本帖最后由 SimonnLee 于 2022-11-23 22:56 编辑


因为无意间在NSLC看到了别人做的2K16最新名单,就试着玩了下,没想到一发不可收拾,2K16的AI不输20的,甚至有些地方还要更聪明!画面也不落伍,就是面补不太行,游戏性比18 19 20都要好上不少,只能说2K真的太不思进取,懂的朋友自然懂,希望能碰上一些同道中人,一起交流一下16 17的补丁之类的

需要先下载并放好这个sync文件  https://bbs.eyeuc.com/down/view/383

我在NLSC上发的帖子  https://forums.nba-live.com/viewtopic.php?f=221&t=108640
NIKE Jerseys: nike version of Lakers, Clippers, Rockets and Bucks jerseys

Body Models and Faces:
Short hair AD, perfect muscle Gians, Melo, KD, Kawhi, PG13, Kyrie, Kamba, Lillard, 07 LeBron, etc. Mainly focus on fixing their necks, shoulders and arms
(Too tired to do the comparision image here, they are definitely better than the default!  Especially their necks,arms)

The new Clippers Nets Rockets floors are converted from some 2K20 floors, credit to them, but I'm not sure I can release them, so just preview:

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