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EYEUC社区    NBA2K20    MOD

[seanbarkley] KICKSOLOGY 2K20

  seanbarkley 2019-11-29 07:21:46 10550 次点击 只看大图 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式     
这是一个创建于 1944 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
本帖最后由 seanbarkley 于 2019-12-6 05:08 编辑

1st of all let me thank blas112 who gave me the oportunity to have an account to post my project here

I love being here since I've been enjoying from the work of the incredible modders from here for several years, so I'm happy to give you my small contribution.

Sorry if I make some mistake in the forum, but it's sometimes kind of hard to know the consequences of what pressing a button in Chinese can do... so sorry in advance for more than possible mistakes on my side!

Let's come straight to the point:

- This work is a continuation from what I started last year, so the big majority of what was there is still there, but with A LOT of new stuff.
- In total there're +750 shoe edits with a lot of new models, colorways... so I invite you to take a look and discover it all.
- +40 shoe model color blocks have been switched to reflect real life models.
- As last year, the latest shoe files have been added/edited taking into account the models players have been wearing the last couple of months, so basically reflect current NBA shoe models.


- The lack of time that I'm having this year almost persuade me from keeping this project alive, but my love for it and a lot of missing sleep hours helped me to complete it. The bad part is that this year I won't have the time to update the project as much as I'd like, so I won't release a roster file.

- As a special gift for those who donate I'll be releasing some special shoe colorways here and there, so stay tuned


- 1.1 includes those shoes added with 2K last update: Nike Kyrie 6, Nike Alphadunk, Kobe AD NXT Fast Fit and UA Spawn Low 2. UA Spawn Low 2 model has been fixed so it can change colors depending on team colors.

- 2.0 includes complete overhaul of Nike Kyrie 6 (2 variations - 1 replaces the Nike Air Force 1 Low) with a lot of colorways. Overhaul of Nike Kobe AD NXT Fast Fit + a couple of colorways. 2 models for donators - Nike Kobe 4 FTB and Nike Kyrie 2 Multicolor


1. Download and install NBA2K-Hook by Looyh: https://forums.nba-live.com/viewtopic.php?f=258&t=108024. Thanks a lot to Looyh for his stunning tool!!
2. Download shoe file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ru ... SOLOGY_2K20_2.0.zip
3. Unzip the file, copy what is inside waigua folder and paste it inside your waigua/modded folder.
4. done!

* for those who want to keep their global file, Install layer files from inside the layers folder. Copy the layers and insert them into your global.iff file (which should be inside your waigua/modded folder).
I couldn't hadn't the time to upload pictures to show the different colorways, so if you do me the favor to upload photos showing your favorite ones I'd be very grateful.

As long as you give me credit you can use the roster and stuff for the projects you want. Enjoy!

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