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NBA2K15 RED_MC MOD工具(v4.3 Final)  

  •   Looyh原创作者认证 2014-12-7 14:33:04 19838 次点击 只看大图 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式     
    这是一个创建于 3582 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Vl@d Zola Jr. (Vladislav Durmanenko)

    (特别感谢:M@dDog, JaoSming, Leftos, hokupguy, and also Rondo is GOD, vnardella5 and everyone, who found bugs and made suggestions)

    RED Modding Center v. 4.3 Final

    This is the tool, which will help U to edit Roster-files of our favourite NBA 2K13 and NBA 2K14 games (PC, XBox 360 and PlayStation 3 files are supported) and also resource-containing IFF files of such titles as NBA 2K12-2K15 and MLB 2K12 (only PC files are supported).

    What is new in version 4.3?
    New in v. 4.3:
    A few minor fixes. This is the final version

    Please, note, that files, edited with RED MC, are guaranteed to work correctly with RED MC and original games only. It is not guaranteed, that the files will work correctly with any other 3rd party software.

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